Today, on International Women’s Day, the Metropolitan Chapter highlights the world of the countless women comprising the staff as part of its fierce commitment to equality of participation, values, and opportunities between men and women. This Chapter is pleased to have laid out hiring criteria based on talent, effort, creativity, and skill and ability, regardless of gender.
We remember the words of Pope Francis:
“On International women’s Day I think of all women and thank them for their efforts to create a more humane society through their ability to capture reality with creative vision and tender hearts”, said the Pontiff to a general audience at the Vatican last 8 March.
“If women enjoyed true equal opportunites, they could contribute substantially to the necessary change toward a world of peace, inclusion, solidarity, and complete sustainability” Prologue to the book “More female leadership for a better world: care as the engine of our collective house”, fruit of an investigation jointly promoted by the Fundación Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice and the Alianza Estratégica de Universidades Católicas de Investigación (Sacru).