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The Archbishop


Monsignor José Ángel Saiz Meneses was appointed Metropolitan Archbishop of Seville by Pope Francis on April 17, 2021, and began his ministry in Seville on June 12, 2021.

Born in Sisante (Cuenca) on August 2, 1956, his family relocated to Barcelona in 1965.

He entered the Minor Seminary of Nuestra Señora de Montelegre in Barcelona in 1968 and pursued studies in Psychology at the University of Barcelona from 1975 to 1977. Later, he studied Philosophy, Spirituality, and Theology at the Major Seminary of Toledo from 1977 to 1984, obtaining a Degree in Ecclesiastical Studies from the Faculty of Theology of Northern Spain in Burgos. He was ordained a priest by Cardinal Marcelo González Martín in the Primate Cathedral of Toledo on July 15, 1984.

In 1993, he earned a degree in Theology from the Faculty of Theology of Catalonia with his dissertation titled Genesis and theology of the Cursillo de Cristiandad“, a movement in which he has been actively involved since his youth and has held various pastoral roles. He completed his doctoral studies at the same Faculty of Theology.

On October 30, 2001, he was appointed titular bishop of Selemsele and auxiliary bishop of Barcelona by St. John Paul II, and he received his episcopal ordination on December 15 of the same year in the Cathedral of Barcelona.


In the Archdiocese of Toledo, he held several assignments: first, parish priest in Los Alares and Anchuras de los Montes (1984-1985); the following year (1985-1986), he completed his military service as a soldier-priest in the Military Hospital of Valladolid. Upon his return, he was appointed parochial vicar of Illescas (1986-1989). Among other services performed in Toledo, he was also the zone councilor of the Equipos de Nuestra Señora (1986-1989), zone councilor of the Movement of Christian Teachers and Professors (1986-1989), and religion teacher at La Sagra-Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes, in Illescas (1986-1989).

In 1989, he joined the Archdiocese of Barcelona and was appointed vicar in the parish of Sant Andreu del Palomar. In 1992, he became the parish priest of Nuestra Señora del Rosario in Cerdanyola del Vallès and was responsible for University Pastoral at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Also in 1992, he was appointed head of the SAFOR (Service of Religious Assistance and Formation) at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and head of the CCUC (Christian Center for University Students of Cerdanyola del Vallès). In 1995, he was appointed Diocesan Consiliary of the Cursillos in Christianity Movement.

On May 6, 2000, he was appointed Secretary General and Chancellor of the Archbishopric of Barcelona, and on April 10, 2001, a member of the College of Consultors of the same archdiocese.

On June 15, 2004, he was named the first bishop of the newly erected Diocese of Terrassa and Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Barcelona and the new Diocese of Sant Feliu de Llobregat. On July 25, he took solemn possession in the Cathedral Basilica of the Holy Spirit in Terrassa. On July 25 he took solemn possession in the Cathedral Basilica of the Holy Spirit in Terrassa.


José Ángel Saiz Meneses has published three books:

He has also published seven Pastoral Letters:

  • Witnesses of Jesus Christ in the society of the 21st century (2007).
  • Mother of God and Our Mother (2008).
  • The Joy of the Priesthood (2009).
  • Youth Ministry and Vocational Ministry in light of WYD (2012).
  • A Samaritan Church for a time of crisis (2015).
  • See, I make all things new [Rev 21:5] (2022).
  • “Do not be afraid” (2023) Archdiocese of Seville

He has lectured all over the world and has written a wide variety of articles for magazines, journals, newsletters, etc.

Other information of interest

Spanish Bishops’ Conference
Msgr. Saiz Meneses is a member of the EEC Executive Committee, a position to which he was elected on March 3, 2020. He is also a member of the Standing Committee. He was head of the Youth Department of the Secular Apostolate Commission (2002-2008), a member of the Catechesis and Teaching Commission (2002-2005), of the Consecrated Life Commission (2005-2008), President of the Seminaries and Universities Commission (2008-2014), and head of the Prison Pastoral Department of the Episcopal Commission for Social Pastoral (2014-2020).

Since 2021, he has presided over the Assembly of the Bishops of the South.

In 2017, he was appointed National Consiliary of the Cursillos in Christianity Movement. He has been Spiritual Advisor to the European Group of the Cursillo Movement. At the IX World Encounter of Cursillos in Christianity, held in Monterrey, Mexico, June 1-4, 2023, he was elected Spiritual Advisor of the World Organization of the Cursillos in Christianity Movement. He is also president of the Board of Trustees of the Sebastián Gayá Foundation, which aims to safeguard the memory and legacy of Don Sebastián Gayá and ensure fidelity to his teaching, especially regarding the Cursillos in Christianity Movement.


Pope Francis has appointed Monsignor Saiz Meneses as a member of the following dicasteries: