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Baptisms and weddings


Baptisms are held every Sunday at 13:15 h, with a maximum of 3 or 4 children. During Lent, baptisms are interrupted and are resumed on Easter Sunday, when there may be a greater number of children to be baptized.

Baptismal catechesis takes place on the Thursday prior to the baptism celebration at 8:30 pm.

Godparents must provide a baptismal certificate.

For further information or additional details, office hours are Monday to Friday from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm, with an interruption from 8:00 pm to 8:30 pm during Mass celebrations.

Communication for Baptisms


Communication and guidance for engaged couples wishing to marry at the Collegiate Church of the Divino Salvador de Sevilla.

 The Rector of the Collegiate of the Divino Salvador of Seville greets you at the beginning of this stage prior to the celebration of your future marriage. The Temple of the Divino Salvador is not a parish, its nature is that of an exempt church or Rectoral Temple, dependent on the Archbishop, through a priest with the position of Rector.

 The Temple of the Divino Salvador is open to the general pastoral ministry of the Archdiocese of Seville and to the regular worship of the Brotherhoods that have their canonical seat here. As this is a qualified place of the cultural offer of the Church in Seville, any worship activity must be compatible with the cultural visit to the Collegiate Church -as well as the Cathedral- and other activities such as concerts and conferences.

You have decided to get married in this beautiful temple and we congratulate you for the beginning of a community of life, fidelity and mutual love. You have freely made the decision to get married in this place and we ask you to read the rules that are established in order to take care of the harmony, beauty and religious quality of this unique moment in your lives.

As the Rector of this Temple, I inform you that before reserving a date in the Wedding Book, you must be aware of the conditions required for registration. Download this document and send it to the following address:

Communication to the bride and groom