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Today we celebrate Sunday of the Word, with the verse “Abide in my word” (John 8: 31)

The Cathedral Chapter meets each year in celebration of this day and, to that end, the Great Chapel and the Chapel of the Evangelists will remain open and specially decorated throughout the day.

The decoration of the Chapel of the Evangelists stands out due to the extraordinary presence of the Holy Bible, which belongs to the Capitular and Columbian Library, donated by brothers Morón y Cansino.

This day was established by Pope France on 30 September of 2019, through his Apostolic Letter, Aperuit illis, issued motu proprio, in which he announced, “I declare that the 3rd Sunday in ordinary time will be dedicated to the celebration, reflection, and dissemination of the Word of God.” The goal of this initiative is to specifically devote one Sunday of the liturgical year to the Word of God so that the world might come to know it.

The Holy Bible. Chapter and Columbian Library.

It is translated from the Latin Vulgate into Spanish, ____ of some locations with the ____ from the original texts in Hebrew and Greek and illustrated by various notes taken by the

It features chalcographic engravings that depict distinct passages and characters from the Bible interspersed with the text in black and white and signed by Gustavo Doré and other artists. The binding is extravagant, done in red leather trimmed with gilt irons and edging and carved embellishments on the cover.

Barcelona, Montaner y Simon, 1871-1873, 4