During the second week of February, the work of dismantling stained glass windows number 5 and number 34 in the Cathedral will take place for restoration purposes. The first encompasses San Antonio de Padua, San Bernardino of Siena, Saint Francis of Assisi, and San Luis de Tolosa (Enrique Alemán 1478), located in the north aisle along the San Francisco Chapel . The second is known as the window of San Leonardo, San Lorenzo, San Vicente, and San Esteban (Arnao de Flandes 1548-1549) and is found in the transept along the San Pedro nave.
This work falls within the Cathedral’s master plan for the preventative conservation of the stained glass, which has been adapted according to experience gained over the years.
Over the last few years, the maintenance of these pieces has been undertaken by one of the most prestigious international firms, Glasmalerei, which has meant a guarantee of best practices while also producing important documentation that is enormously valuable to the restoration.